Beekeeping Information

Membership Matters, Beekeeper registration, Record Keeping.

If you’re interested in joining the Macarthur Beekeepers Association, this document provides instructions to assist in completing the membership forms.

To keep bees in NSW you will require this biosecurity registration. Registration is required even if you only have one hive. An important condition of registration is to comply with the Australian Honey Bee Industry Code of Practice. (A link to the code is included on this page)

The 2019 Beekeeper’s Log Book is available free of charge to all current ABA members during 2019.

If you require an extra copy or if you are not a member, copies can be purchased through the ABA Online Shop

Getting started as a Beekeeper, Beekeeping Basics, General beekeeping information.

If you’re thinking of getting started with beekeeping, but don’t even know what you don’t know, then this is the guide for you. Titled "Beekeeping in Australia: The definitive guide for absolute beginners" this site catains a wealth of information in an easy to read format.

As with all hobbies, to enjoy beekeeping and ensure your health and safety and that of your bees some specialist equipment is required. However, avoid the temptation to buy everything you see, start with the basics and add to your collection as your confidence and understanding grows.

Produced by the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) this downloadable book shares the wonderful story of Australian honey and provides an introduction to the basics of beekeeping.

Requirements for all beekeepers, Doing the right thing, Bio-Security.

A downloadable version of the Honey Bee Code of Practice. The Australian Honey Bee Industry Biosecurity Code of Practice (the Code) has been developed in consultation with beekeepers and governments to provide a clear framework for Australian beekeepers to engage in best-practice biosecurity.

Keeping two or three hives of bees as a hobby can be an interesting and rewarding experience but NSW DPI occasionally receives complaints about bees in swimming pools, neighbours being stung or the disease risk of neglected hives.

Produced by the Department of Primary Industries (DPI), this Primefact covers key points which need to be considered in relation to backyard beekeeping.

This downloadable book brings together available basic information about the craft of keeping bees and honey bee biosecurity. It will provide a strong platform for beginner beekeepers to grow their hobby and provide a useful foundation for beekeepers contemplating beekeeping as a sideline or full-time commercial enterprise.